Curtas em Competição:
PITON de André Guiomar
/ Synopsis: No Boxe, a dualidade entre a violência de um confronto
humano e um movimento corporal em perfeita sintonia com a mente, faz com
que um combate pareça uma coreografia de dança. Neste documentário
sobre a boxer Juliana Rocha, conhecida como Pitão, filmado a preto e
branco, pretende-se demonstrar a perspectiva de um desporto conhecido
como violento mas praticado por uma pugilista feminina. Através de
entrevistas ao pai e ao treinador contámos a história e motivações da
campeã. Acompanhando a sua rotina e os seus combates, documentamos a
grandeza de um desporto praticado no feminino, na sua plenitude.
MUCH BETTER NOW de Philipp Comarella, Simon Griesser
Sinopse:The main character is a bookmark, stuck in a forgotten book. Both are
connected by chance, in a life marked by standstill in a deserted room. One day a window is pressed open by a gust of wind, knocking over
the book and blowing the bookmark onto the table. As they become separated, the journey begins. While the bookmark watches from a distance, the wind catches the pages, turning them into ocean waves. Unfolding hands and feet, the bookmark is swept back into
the book. With a surfboard taken from the book, the character is
given the opportunity to experience its environment in a new way –
wipeouts, washouts and nosedives in a wild ocean follow. Just as our
hero is willing to resign, the ocean carries it higher and higher on a
wave frozen in time – they become one. The wave breaks, releasing
everything back into motion. The bookmark enjoys the ride of its life,
carving and floating its way in and out of tubes, until the last
page is reached. The book cover closes with a snap, spitting out the
surfer. The journey through this episode of its life is over. As the
protagonist tries to get back into the book, light reveals other parts
of the room, fully packed with bookshelves. It faces endless challenges in its newly gained freedom.
Artur Serra Araújo com a apresentação de "A Moral Conjugal"
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